Italy,Highest deggree: (U.S.A.), DOCTOR IN PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D ) With
a major in Behavioral Science with emphasis in Art Counseling and
."Art: A Life System", Basis for a different artistic education."The
silent language of the body" . 1992
Chairman of the Department of Visual Arts. School of Humanities
and Art. National University of Rosario, Argentina.
In charge of teaching staff of over 100 and of a curriculum of 56
courses. Rosario, Sta. Fe.
1980-1984. Full Professor in the Department of Visual Arts, School
of Humantities and Arts, National University of Rosario, Argentina.
Courses offered: Painting I and II, Composition and Color Theory,
and Drawing I and II. 1980-1984. Organizer of the Arche Art Salons
and Mural Projects for the city of Buenos Aires collaborating with
the National Cultural Secretary.
1982-1984. Invited Professor for the International Center for Advanced
Studies in Art, New York University, New York, U.S.A.
1981-1983. Founder and Director of the Experimental Center on Artistic
Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1988-1992. School of Fine Arts , Avellaneda, Argentina.
1972-1974. Professor in the School of Fine Arts of Mar del Plata.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1971-1972. Artist teacher, Texas Institute for Art and Education,
Houston, Texas.
1996 -1997. Full time bilingual Special Art Teacher, Galleria Charter
School, ( Kindergarden, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3th grade), Houston
Independent School District, Houston, Texas
1997-1998. Regular course on "The Silent Language ", C.G.Jung Center,
Houston, Texas 1995 - 1998.
1989. Jung Educational Center Fellowship, Houston, Texas. U.S.A.
1984. First Prize. "Parisiennes in the Arts" Competition Buenos
Aires, Argentina. 1983.Third Prize Prilidiano Pueyrredon Award,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1979. Cecilia Grierson Award. National Salon of Fine Arts Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
1975. First Honorable Mention. Manuel Belgrano Salon, Buenos Aires,
Second Prize. Francesco Romero Fellowship, National Endowment of
the Arts, Argentina.
1974. Pio Collivadino Award. National Salon of Fine Arts , Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
*** Since 1984, chose not to participate or compete for awards of
any kind due to ideological differences.
"Argentine Painting", Centro Editor de America Latina. Argentina.
"150 Years of Argentine Painting", N. Cordoba Iturburu. Argentina.
"Interviews to the Seventies", Cesar Bandin Ron, Edit.Corregidor.
"The Dispersion of the Vanguards", Centro Editor de America Latina.
Argentina. "Transvanguardia Internacional", Achile Bonito Oliva.
Giancarlo Polliti Publishers, Italy. "Modern Art in Latin America",
D. Bayon, Spain.
"Art in Argentina", Jorge Glusberg. Giancarlo Polliti Publishers,
"From Pop Art to the New Image", Jorge Glusberg, Union Carbide Collection,
Argentina. "Die Argentinische Kunst der 60 jahre des 20 jahrhunderts",
Claudia de Theissen. Hutemberg, Germany.
"Arte contemporaneo en la Argentina", Carlos Basualdo, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, "Dictionary of the Arts in Argentina", Ed. Arte Gaglianone,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
"The Chase Collection, Arte Argentino Contemporáneo" Fermin Fevre,
Ed. Arte Gaglianone, Argentina.
"Treinta años de Arte Argentino", Fermin Fevre, Fundación Petorutti,
"Rotas Psicanaliticas", Paulo Luis Rosa Sousa, Sergio Roberto Abuchaim,
Ediciones Educat, Brasil.
"Art at Work" The Chase Manhattan Collection, W.Severinghaus, D.C.
Miller, R. Roenblum. E.P.Dutton, Editions, U.S.A.
Douglas Page
Collection, New York, U.S.A.
Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Museum of Modern Art, Mendoza, Argentina.
Genaro Perez Museum, Cordoba, Argentina.
Art Museum of the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
Art Museum of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
Permanent Collection of the Chase Manhattan Bank, U.S.A.
Museum of Fine Arts, La Plata, Argentina.
Museum of Contemporary Art of the City of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Yugoslavia.
The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, U.S.A.
Santa María Church, Castellina in Chianti, Siena, Italia.
estructura de la creatividad o
la conciencia de la creación"2000